Oct 29, 2015
Penguin’s back! And he’s -- gone straight? Meanwhile, the
Duo commit a series of crimes in the name of bringing the waddling
old avian to justice -- because surely he’s up to no good -- right?
Tim & Paul analyze what could be seen as a rather dark arc -- if it
weren't so...
Oct 15, 2015
What's your Bat-dream
job? For Mark Racop it's making replica Batmobiles
-- which has been his sole source of income at Fiberglass Freaks in Logansport, Indiana,
since 2003. This episode we talk with Mark about the car's history,
what it was really capable of doing vs. what was just special
effects, how he got into the...
Oct 1, 2015
At last, it's time to talk Catwoman! Lovely Julie Newmar's first appearance on the show finally gives us a strong female character -- but what exactly do we mean by "strong female"?
Also, how lines that strike adults as "what a square Batman is" jokes also worked to impart serious messages to kids, Nelson Riddle's...